Rendita Pension Foundation 3a

The pension account of the Rendita Pension Foundation is a tied Pillar 3a pension account on the basis of BVV3. Interest at a preferential rate is credited to the annual deposits in the Pillar 3 account, which is tax-privileged, i.e. the annual deposits can be deducted from income and are exempt from wealth tax and withholding tax.

The following maximum amounts can be deposited:


  • for persons insured with a pension fund:
    from 1.1.2025 = CHF 7,258
  • for persons not insured with a pension fund:
    *from 1.1.2025 = CHF 36,288
    * or max. 20% of net income

    The amount of up to the annual maximum paid into the Rendita Pension Foundation 3a can be invested in various ways:

Pension account

You benefit from a preferential interest rate and are flexible within the framework of the statutory provisions when it comes to using or investing the pension capital.

You pay tax on an earned income subject to AHV and have decided to benefit from tax-free saving under Pillar 3a.

With the Rendita pension account 3a, you can pay amounts into your account when desired, up to a maximum annual amount, with no contractual obligation to make a payment.

Please contact your customer advisor if you wish to open a Rendita pension account 3a.

Pillar 3 individual securities account

You can invest your pension capital in different investment groups or funds with varying proportions of equities.
The securities account offers you attractive earnings opportunities from a multi-year capital investment.
You determine the amount that you would like to invest in the BVG-compliant investment groups.
You can find your bank’s range of securities on the homepage under Partner / Offer.
For further information, please contact your financial partner.


Your advantages with a Rendita vested benefits account or custody account:

  • Investments up to a maximum annual amount can be deducted from taxable income
  • No obligation to invest
  • Preferential interest
  • Possibility to make an individual investment in securities

  • Capital and earnings are tax-exempt
  • Advance withdrawal possible in accordance with statutory guidelines
  • Capital can be pledged for residential property
  • Tax on disbursement at a reduced tax rate
  • No notice period

For a list of the investment groups offered, please contact your financial partner: